Turn that frown upside down!

Do you remember seeing a post around facebook at the start of this year about "paying it forward" and "making something homemade"?

Well saw it and thought..."sure i'll do that"! Then I promptly forgot all about it, and remembered last week and got the major guilts that it is now April and I haven't even made one thing...and I need to do something for 6 different people.

Bad friend = me.

So I thought to myself (that's a weird saying.. you can't 'think' to someone else because that would just be speaking to them?...or am I up way too far passed my bed time?) what is something that doesn't take long to make, most people thoroughly enjoy and is home made? - CUE cupcakes.

I adapted this coconut cupcake recipe and also made some with a chocolate ganache. The lovely ladies they were delivered to enjoyed them and I got the added joy of seeing someone happy from something I did. 
 I think sometimes we under-estimate the influence our actions have on those around us. A smile or frown can change a whole day. Like the agro-guy who threatened to run over Tom and I as I was hugging him goodbye when I dropped him at work today (because he obviously didn't learn how to park when he got his licence). He was completely unpleasant and it left me feeling so annoyed. His actions affected me. I did decided I wasn't going to let this unhappy guy influence me in that way and within 10 mins I was over it. It definitely made me think more about how the small things I do to strangers or even more so my loved ones and how it impacts the way they feel.

and trust me, with the holiday traffic this afternoon it was hard!

Hope you all have some lovely plans for this easter weekend x