If I ran the world...

There are no alarm clocks. You could sleep as long as you needed and then go about your day.

We travel using our minds..actually tele-portation devices. That way creepers can't just appear in your living room - there is a special code or something to visit friends - actually there are no creeps anymore so it's safe to teleport wherever you like  (this would help the issue of my sister living in Ohio which happens to be the other side of the planet!) - just knock before opening any doors.

We don't neeed food for energy, well actually instead of that, everything has the same calorie content so you we can all be those annoying awesome people who are skinny but eat fries and chocolate like they are going out of fashion and never gain weight.

Sleeping expends as much energy as going to the gym for a few hours a day, so you don't need to go to the gym. unless you are weird not like me and think it's fun.

Teenagers don't get pregnant 'accidentally' and loving adult couples can conceive without having to resort to scary and invasive treatments. (p.s. childbirth isn't painful either)

There is no cancer - period. Or any other horrible disease. Actually we all get to live to an age where we have had a good happy life, aren't uncomfortable or are in pain and then we go and live with God. No one has to live without their spouse/mum/dad/brother/sister/
child. (Spouses have to go together so one isn't left alone and kids NEVER go before their parents). But we carry a knowledge that life is a gift and should be treasured, especially our loved ones - so we don't take them for granted.

I can turn peoples honking horns in traffic into fart noises, so they're too embarrassed to honk their horn for no good reason. Actually scrap that - There is just no traffic seeing as we don't need cars because we are just teleporting everywhere.

No-one is lonely or without family.

Every body get's 3 do-overs in their to correct a mistake that is then wiped from memories and bad repercussions are fixed. (i.e. the lemon of a car I bought several years ago that then cost me 3 times as much and i'm still stuck paying for - that would be GONE!) BUT only if it is a genuine mistake... not like... "i'll be a jerk and use one of my do-overs"... that won't fly with me!

Acne/Pimples don't exist. Neither do dark under eye circles or wrinkles. or grey hairs. (until you are like 50 - then you can get grey hair and some gradual wrinkles just so teenagers can distinguish grandparents and open doors for them - respect!)  Oh and there's no cellulite too. or stretch marks.

Excess body hair is non-existent... ie. if you don't want hairy legs the hair disappears. no need for waxing, shaving or lasers. Imagine how much extra time us girls would have to be teleporting around the place!
Chocolate is not fattening, ever. Just saying. It actually has weight loss properties in women.

There isn't any famine /poverty/ corrupt or unjust governments / and there is equality between classes/sexes/races (etc etc) and there is free education/ health care for everyone. (but no-one is getting sick so s'all good...

Creepy crawling bugs don't exist. and snakes.

There is no debt. I'm talking no need for credit cards or loans. You have enough money to buy the things you need to have a healthy and happy life.

You never need to get dental work done and our teeth would magically clean themselves. But you can brush your teeth for fun if you like.

Rain falls on a schedule so you don't ever get caught without an umbrella or with wet feet but there is also never a drought.

Oh and in winter it snows... even here in Sydney. Not just being freezing with nothing cool to show for it.
There are also no commercials on the TV, ever. or you can mute the TV with your mind.

That's all i've got so far....
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