Sunday Confessions...

Sunday has quickly come around again - which means monday isn't far away (boo!).
It also means its time for - (yay!)

1. Yesterday I didn't leave the house all day. Well not until the sun had gone down and only because we needed some groceries. It was awesome! Totally perfect saturday when it's all wintery and cold outside.

2. This week i've switched from fruit to donuts. I think it reflects my mood and the general (PMS) nature of my week. I didn't eat any real donuts (snaps for me!), but I have had a 'generous' amount of chocolate. I think donut needs sprinkles so it looks more 'donut like' - and will make it more exciting.
3. I was at a drs appointment this week and she told me to lose weight. I wanted to punch her in the nose. But i've been very motivated since - if it a choice between a chocolate and a squishy baby, i'll take the baby. So I guess I can be grateful to the Dr for giving me the motivation I need. But I still wanted to punch her in the nose.

4. I'm feeling utterly anti-social at the moment. But i'm super grateful for the friends I have that know I still love them despite not being so chatty right now. I'm sure i'll get out of my funk soon... 

5. I found this website and it's gold. Seriously, if you or anyone you know is struggling with infertility, or you just want to understand a little more what i'm talking about (ALL the time!) you have to visit this site.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend x
Go ahead and link up with Alyx for your Sunday confessions.