A long time ago I felt a lot of guilt when it came to blogging. I didn't blog as often as I thought I should to warrant having a blog or to 'make it' as a blogger. Then I had to take a long look at blogging and why I was doing it. 

I started blogging to record our lives and the longer I did it, the more I enjoyed the outlet of writing. It started to feel like a chore. So I decided to make it not a chore anymore. I didn't post if I didn't feel like posting. I know i'm not a 'daily-blogger' - more like 3-4 times a week max. So that meant I wasn't going to apologise because of the type of blogger I am. I'm not like other people online and that's ok with me.

That being said, lately I have a lot going on and i'm not keeping up with blogging as much as I like to. So I guess this is a long winded way of saying i'm still about, I'll post when I can (more like 1-2 times a week) and I appreciate and love the community I have here with all of you.

*Photo taken at Nelsons Bay sand dunes.