Thank you Nora.

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Nora Ephron when I was at work today. Because of her, my favourite movie of all time and others that come close behind exist. My feelings are kin to that of one of my favourite bloggers, you can read her post here... after you read mine of course.

Nora created amazing leading ladies, that were un-ashamedly real. Especially to me. So many things about Annie, Kathleen, Julie, Julia or Sally I've seen in myself (or still do). I can identify with these women, each of them, in some way of their own. None of them are a stereotypical hollywood glamour, but a real women who 'ugly cry' and have problems just like me. 

Now that Tom is working well into the late evening, he comes home to catch me watching 'You've Got Mail'... he gets the last 30mins almost every time. And he sits there and watches the end with me. That right there is something I love about him. He knows that movie is part of me and he gets it.

So, thank you Nora. Thanks for the laughs, the tears and all those moments your films filled my heart and helped me discover the woman I would and have become.

I tried to pick a favourite scene from my favourite movie of all time - but that IMPOSSIBLE!!

and if you haven't seen any of these... shame... shame.