He cut my hair.

a little alley I found near work... each time I see it I think of the secret garden.

So have you noticed that when you are in a funk that you need to do something with your hair? I know it's not just me. I remember in high school, right after I'd broken up with my boyfriend and I was chatting on msn (remember msn?) to my friend that had moved away to go to university a few months earlier. 

We talked about the break up a bit and then he was like "did you change your hair yet?" I was a bit shocked and said "How did you know that?". He told me "that's what girls do when they break up or are sad". Dude knew what he was talking about.

Since then, I've noticed this hair principle everywhere. In my friends, colleagues, strangers. Break up or life change or a bit of a funk = hair change. Not always big change but usually a spur of the moment decision. Where am I going with this? Don't worry, no break ups here! But I've been in a funk this weekend (explained here). 

And so today, Tom cut my hair. I asked him too. I've been in desperate need of a hair cut and I refuse to spend $100 on a cut which is the rort i'm expected to pay in Sydney. I had a hairdresser I liked for awhile, but she had salon ADD and kept moving around and then she disappeared. Normally I get my hair cut when I visit my sister (she lives in another city) because it's like a third of the price.

Well today, in my funk I decided i've had it! It just needed a trim. Just cut nice and straight, along the length. So I armed my husband with some scissors. I think he was terrified I was setting him up to get in trouble. But it was fine. Trimmed. Neat. And with the hair swept up off the floor and into the bin, in went away some of my funk. Not completely but almost. (Don't worry, it was half an inch at most and it's straight).

So have you ever done that? Cut or dyed your hair on a whim? (depressive funk or life affirming moment to take charge of your life). I want to know. You gotta tell me!

I'm linking up today for Sunday Confessions here.