Chocolate Cupcakes {with Caramel Egg centre}

When my dad got sick, I became a baker. I don't know what it was but one day I wanted to start making cakes. I think it was because during a really hard and extremely sad time, I could give people in a little happiness - in the form of a moist, fluffy, frosted cupcake or a rich velvety slice of cake. 

Then I baked so much I kind of got sick of it, especially because I can't eat the cakes with this gluten intolerance thing I've got going on. 

Last week, Tom said "Everyone at work has been wondering when you are going to make cupcakes again" because whenever I do, he'd take them into work. My response was "when their mum makes them". But then I realised it's a nice thing to do, it makes him happy and it's nice hearing about people loving them. Plus I've got this crazy reputation at his work making awesome cupcakes (snaps for Jess). So I said I'd make some for Easter.

So then two nights of making cupcakes after getting home from work around 8pm and taking copious amounts of photos here are my:

Caramel Egg Centred Chocolate Cupcakes with whipped chocolate frosting.

Cheats version recipe: 

1 box chocolate cake mix
(+ whatever is needed to make the cake mix i.e. eggs/milk)
caramel centre chocolate eggs

250g butter, softened
1.5kg icing sugar
1 block (200g) chocolate, melted
(this is enough frosting for about 50 cupcakes so halve/divide as you wish)

+ candy coated easter eggs

What next? 
Make the cake batter as usual. 1/4 fill the cupcake liners in tray, put the caramel egg in the centre with the bigger end down (if there is one). Put another spoon of batter over the top of the egg. Bake according to packet instructions - usually about 180C/350C for about 20mins or so. Allow to cool.

Beat softened butter with 1/3 icing sugar (+ a little water if you need it), add next 1/3 of sugar, then added melted chocolate and the last 1/3 of sugar. It should look like all whipped and taste yummy.

Pipe onto cupcakes and top with a candied egg.

P.s. Time for shameless plug - I'm a nominee in the Best Australian Blogs 2013 Competition and voting is now open for the Peoples Choice category. If you feel so inclined I'd be truly grateful for your vote!