A serendipitous congress tart.

Sometimes I come across words that I love. The way the characters form together, the sound of each syllable, the meaning that resonates from it. Maybe that's why I did so many English subjects at school.

It took a little while to think of a list though when I saw the list for the 52 project was 'favourite words'. I apologise in advance if you are offended by one of my words. I've always known it for meaning 'someone who is stupid or obnoxious' yet i've been told it means something vulgar... whoops. Even without the meaning I think it's an interesting sounding word (you can figure out what one if you don't know).
Mischance, forlorn and twitterpated make me feel like i'm in a Jane Austen novel. A good friend at work is british and everytime she says yoghurt {Yog - like jog- ert}I have to repeat it. She says "I'm having a yoghurt" and I say "Mmmm yes I love yoghurt" (in a british accent of course).

You are wondering about 'congress tart' aren't you? Well I know it's technically two words but it's pretty much explained in this part of the tv show - an idiot abroad. Tom and I use this in conversation - often. This would also explain why random strangers probably think we are on crack 99% of the time because our conversation don't make any sense - unless you are us (and it's SO good to be us!).

What are your favourite words? I'd love to know! If you want to join in with the 52 Lists project you can join in here x